Only the heartwood of cocobolo is used; it is usually orange or reddish-brown, often with darker irregular traces weaving through the wood. The heartwood changes colour after being cut, and can be polished to a lustrous, glassy finish; being quite dense, sometimes having a specific gravity of over 1.0, it will sink in water. The sapwood (not often used) is a creamy yellow, with a sharp boundary between it and the heartwood.
Out of stockAsh is a cream to olive brown timber with a darker heart which comes from larger logs. Has a straight to wavy grain with a course texture. Machines and turns well and takes an excellent finish.
Out of stockBasswood is an ideal wood for woodcarvers and whittling. Its soft, fine, even texture makes it easy to work with, while its pale inconspicuous colour doesn't distract from the carved patterns of the finished product. It can take stain and polishes without difficulty.
Out of stockPurpleheart has a creamy white/gray sapwood but like its name suggests, the heartwood is a bright, striking purple when freshly cut, darkening into a deeper purple with age. It has a medium to fine texture with a lustre that ranges from medium to high; its grain is usually straight but can be wavy or irregular. Purpleheart has high bending and crushing strength and stiffness with medium resistance to shock loads.
Out of stockThe wood has good wearing properties and resistance to abrasion because of its interlocked grain and twisty nature. Olive does polish to an excellent finish.
Zebrano is a hard, dense and heavy wood with high strength properties and very high stiffness. It works well with hand tools and in most machining operations. Planing can be tricky, since interlocked grain can tear badly, so sanding is advised for a final finish. Gluing is satisfactory if care is taken.
The wood is a red brown which is faintly pink tinged, occasionally with a blackish streak. The texture is medium to fine and even. It weighs 975Kg/m3 with the SG at 12%. It sands and finishes well. It is a hard timber with an attractive grain but turns well and produces a good finish. Tool must be kept sharp.
The wood is a red brown which is faintly pink tinged, occasionally with a blackish streak. The texture is medium to fine and even. It weighs 975Kg/m3 with the SG at 12%. It sands and finishes well. It is a hard timber with an attractive grain but turns well and produces a good finish. Tool must be kept sharp.