U-Beaut Shellawax Cream 250ml

U-Beaut Shellawax Cream 250ml


Shellawax cream is a woodturners friction and buffing polish.

Sharing many of the characteristics of Shellawax liquid, Shellawax Cream is specially formulated for use on larger turned projects where it would normally be impossible to get a first class finish using a conventional friction polish and on stand-alone articles such as carvings.  As with Shellawax, only one application is required to completely finish the work.  Made using a specially formulated hard shellac as a base, this excellent product gives a hard, durable finish, with impressive resistance to marks and blemishes from water, alcohol and heat.  The cream formulation retards the frictional drying characteristic of friction polishes, making it suitable for use on larger lathe-turned items such as bowls and platters.  Being a cream, this product is easily controlled in application and is very economical in use.  Shellawax Cream is non-toxic.

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Shellawax cream is a fusion mixture of white shellac and a number of waxes such as carnauba wax and beeswax.

Royal Mail class this product as hazardous and are liable to destroy, without notification, all contents of a package containing it, so we can  only send to Ireland.

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